

Suchoff, D.H., B.E. Jackson, C.C. Gunter, J.R. Schultheis, and F.J. Louws. 2021. Non-destructive characterization of grafted tomato root systems using the mini-horhizotron. Acta Hortic. 1302, 209-214. 

Vann, M.C., D.H. Suchoff, J.L. Machacek, J.A. Cheek, D.S. Whitley. 2020. Tobacco injury and sucker control efficacy following applications of pelargonic acid. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass:e20086. DOI: 10.1002/cft2.20086. 

Suchoff, D.H., M.M. Short, M.C. Vann, D.A. Stevens, M.S. McGinnis, K.K. Crump. 2020. Evaluation of organic acidifiers as a corrective measure for high bicarbonate concentrations in organic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum ) float bed systems. J. Plant Nutr 44: 523-535.

Carr, P.M., M. Cavigelli, H. Darby, K. Delate, J.O. Eberly, G.G. Gramig, J.R. Heckman, E. Mallory, J.R. Reeve, E.M. Silva, D.H. Suchoff, and A.L. Woodley. 2020. Green and animal manure use in organic field crop systems. Agron J., 112: 648-674.

Carr, P.M., M. Cavigelli, H. Darby, K. Delate, J.O. Eberly, G.G. Gramig, J.R. Heckman, E. Mallory, J.R. Reeve, E.M. Silva, D.H. Suchoff, and A.L. Woodley. 2019. Nutrient cycling in organic field crops in Canada and the United States. Agron J., 111:1-17. 

Suchoff, D.H., J.R. Schultheis, C.C. Gunter, R.L. Hassell, and F.J. Louws. 2019. Effect of rootstock and nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield in watermelon. J. Hortic Sci Biotechnol., 94:798-804.

Suchoff, D.H., F.J. Louws. And C.C. Gunter. 2019. Yield and disease resistance of three bacterial wilt-resistant tomato rootstock. HortTechnology, 29:330-337.

Suchoff, D.H., C.C. Gunter, J.R. Schultheis, M.D. Kleinhenz, and F.J. Louws. 2018. Rootstock effect on grafted tomato transplant shoot and root responses to drying soils. HortScience, 53:1586-1592.

Suchoff, D.H., P. Perkins-Veazie, H.W. Sederoff, J.R. Schultheis, M.D. Kleinhenz, F.J. Louws, and C.C. Gunter. 2018. Grafting the indeterminate tomato cultivar Moneymaker onto Multifort rootstock improves cold tolerance. HortScience, 53:1610-1617. 

Bertucci, M.B., D.H. Suchoff, K.M. Jennings, D.W. Monks, C.C. Gunter, J.R. Schultheis, and F.J. Louws. 2018. Comparison of root system morphology of cucurbit rootstocks for use in watermelon grafting. HortTechnology, 28:629-636.

Suchoff, D.H., J.R. Schultheis, M.D. Kleinhenz, F.J. Louws, and C.C. Gunter. 2018. Rootstock improves high-tunnel tomato water use efficiency. HortTechnology, 28:337-343.

Suchoff, D.H., C.C. Gunter, J.R. Schultheis, R.L. Hassell, and F.J. Louws. 2018. The effect of grafting on nitrogen use in determinate field-grown tomatoes. Hortic Sci Biotechnol., 94:1-8.

Suchoff, D.H.*, C.C. Gunter, and F.J. Louws. 2017. Comparative analysis of root system morphology in tomato rootstocks. HortTechnology, 27:319-324.

Suchoff, D.H., F.J. Louws, C.C. Gunter, and J.R. Schultheis. 2014. 2013 On-farm Grafted Tomato Trial to Manage Bacterial Wilt. Acta Hortic., 1086:119-127.


Whipker, B.E., P. Veazie, and D.H. Suchoff. 2020. Stevia: Prevent premature flowering for spring bedding sales. e-GRO Alert 9-07:1–3.

Suchoff, D.H. (editor-in-chief). 2019. North Carolina Organic Commodities Production Guide. AG-660. NC State Extension Publications.

Suchoff, D.H., C.C. Gunter, F.J. Louws, F.J. 2017. Grafting research studies plant stress resilience. Vegetable Growers News, 51:11